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Push/ Pull/ Legs Split for INTERMEDIATE Lifters [FREE TRAINING PLAN]

This is a program ideal for those who have been lifting for at least a couple of weeks and/ or believe themselves to be Intermediate/ Advanced Beginners. If you’re a complete beginner, I’d recommend checking out my FREE Full Body Training Routing for Beginners.

(The Ultimate Training Plan for complete Newbies)

The above link also contains a list of some basic compound exercises ideal for packing on pounds of muscle as a beginner. I’d recommend you go check it out, if you haven’t yet and then proceed reading this article.

Push/ Pull/ Legs Program Overview:

-          Training each body part twice a week.
-          Ideal for Intermediate lifters.
-          Focus on putting on a considerable amount of muscle mass, using effective compound and isolation movements.
-          Follow this program for about 4-6 weeks, do a 1 week deload and continue in this fashion, for as long as you continue to see results, before changing to a new program.
-          Focus on increasing workout volumes by increasing the weights on all major lifts while continuing to work out within the given hypertrophic rep range. (8-15 reps)
-          Start each workout with 5-10 mins of light cardio and/ or stretching to ensure that your joints and muscle are warmed up and ready for the workout, and avoid any injuries.
-          This program will introduce you to advanced training techniques such as supersets, giant sets and circuit training. Make sure you do the exercises with the right form and make use of these techniques efficiently.

Push Pull Legs Workout Routine:

Day 1: Push (Chest, Shoulders & Triceps)
-          Inclined Dumbbell Bench Press (Chest) 15 – 12 – 10 – 8
-          Flat Barbell Bench Press (Chest) 15 – 12 – (8-10)
-          Pec Dec/ Pec Fly Machine (Chest) 15 – 12- (8-10)
-          Shoulders Superset: 15 – 12 – 10 *
·         Standing Overhead Shoulder Press
·         Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raises
-          Triceps Rope Pushdowns (Triceps) 12 – 10 – 8
-          Close Grip Bench Press (Triceps) 12 – 10 – 8
* Supersets: Perform a set of both exercises without rest as 1 set, with the given rep range for each.

Day 2: Pull (Back & Biceps)
-          Front Lat Pulldowns (Back) 15 – 12 – 10 – 8
-          Bent-over Barbell Rows (Back) 15 – 12 – 10
-          Machine Rows (Back) 15 – 12 – (8-10)
-          Standing Barbell Bicep Curls (Biceps) 12 – 10 – 8
-          Seated Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls (Biceps) 12 – 10 – 8
-          Dumbbell Shrugs w. 2 sec static hold (Trapezius- Back) 10 – 8 – 6

Day 3: (Legs and Abdominals)
-          Seated Machine Calf Raises (Calves) 15 – 15 – 12 – 10
-          Squats (Quads) 15 – 15 – 12 – 10
-          Leg Extensions (Quads) 15 – 12 – 10
-          Single-legged Hamstring Curls (Hamstrings) 15 – 12 – 10 – 8
-          Abs Circuit: **
·         Bench Crunch
·         Plank
·         Incline Sit ups
·         Legs Raises
** Perform these exercises in a circuit fashion. Perform them one after another with 10 sec. rest between each and go over the whole circuit 3-4 times.

Day 4: Push (Chest, Shoulders & Triceps)
-          Incline Barbell Bench Press (Chest) 15 – 12 – 10 – 8
-          Decline Barbell Bench Press (Chest) 15 – 12 – (8-10)
-          Giant Superset: Cable Pec Flyes (Chest) 15 – 12 – 10 ***
-          Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press (Shoulders) 15 – 12 – 10 – 8
-          Barbell Front Raises (Shoulders) 15 – 12 – 10
-          Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curls (Biceps) 12 – 10 – 10
-          Cable Bicep Curls (Biceps) 12 – 10 – 10
*** Giant Superset: Perform all three sets of this exercise without any rest, decreasing the weight and number of reps each time.

Day 5: Pull (Back & Biceps)
-           Pull-ups (Back) 15 – 12 – 10 – 8 ****
-          Machine Rows (Back) 15 – 12 – 10
-          Back Lat Pulldowns (Back) 15 – 12 - 10 – 8
-          Biceps Superset: 12 – 10 – 10 *
·         Close-grip Barbell Bicep Curls
·         Wide-grip Barbell Bicep Curls
**** Use an assist machine or have someone help you up, if you are not able to perform this exercise using your bodyweight, in the right way.

Day 6: Rest
(For the purpose of giving your body an added recovery period, I’ve considered Day 6 and 7 as rest day, which means you trained legs only once a week. If you feel that you need to try and fit in another leg day, feel free to go ahead. You can also use this day to perform some Medium Intensity Cardio or maybe fit in another Abs workout)

Day 7: Rest + Cheat Meal

Happy Lifting,

Shaumik Saha

DM me on my Instagram/ Snapchat for FREE Training/ Diet Advice.

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  1. This article provided me with a wealth of information. The article is both educational and helpful. Thank you for providing this information. Keep up the good work. Push Pull Legs


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